CME & Ecological Tour of Ecuador (Galapagos) & Peru

 November 20 - December 4, 2016 

Group Medical Director: Dr. Steve Szarka, Hamilton, On.

Full details of our November 2016 Ecuador & Peru program will be launched shortly. Please click here for our pre-registration form (no deposit required) to guarantee your place and be informed as soon as full program and registration information is available. You may also check out our previous November 2014 CME tour of Ecuador & Peru as the November 2016 program will be similar in content.

Thank you for your interest in our Ecuador & Peru programs!

“We had a magical time in Machu Picchu - such a spiritual time at day break - our guide was great! Many thanks for the fabulous trip - memorable and well organized. Your company does such a great job and such an opportunity for us, and what a great group of people to share such an amazing trip with” 

Dr. Paul Bates, London – Ecuador & the Galapagos, Peru 2012. 

(for more from our customers click here!)

Doctors-on-Tour. Copyright ®2016. All rights reserved. The programs & itineraries as stated in this website are unique & prepared exclusively for Doctors-on-Tour